Our Process

Introduction Meeting

Complimentary meeting to understand your needs, goals, and reasons for seeking help. We will review our process and answer any general questions. At the end of our meeting, we’ll determine if there’s a potential fit to our working together. If the answer is yes, we will send out a proposal that highlights our discussion, explains how we will solve your challenges, and includes the proposed fee for services. 30 minutes

Getting Organized

This step will begin after signing our client agreement. Obtaining your financial information is critical in understanding 'where you are today'. You will gain access to our secure financial planning platform, allowing you to link accounts and share important financial documents/information.

Review and Goal Setting Meeting

Together, we'll review the accuracy of information received and fill in any gaps. We'll do a deep dive into your financial and life objectives, short and long term (What matters most to you!). This is also the time we'll understand more about your investment risk profile. 60-90 minutes.

Financial Plan Development

We will conduct a thorough analysis of all the information. All planning topics will be reviewed carefully. This will allow for strategy discussions and ultimately a detailed action plan report.

Financial Plan Presentation Meeting

You will receive a personalized report providing recommended actions and strategies for all topics discussed. We'll present the report, provide and explanation of the strategies, and answer any questions. Finally, we'll discuss steps to implement the plan's action items. (One Time Financial Planning offer will conclude after a 30-day-checkup). 60-90 minutes

Ongoing Support

We'll meet three times a year (beginning of year, early summer, late fall) to ensure progress toward goals, discuss any current-year planning strategies, and revise the plan as life changes inevitably happen. You'll also have unlimited access to phone, text and email chats in between our more formal meetings.